We're Committed To The FCC's NG9-1-1 Regulations

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A New Era Of 9-1-1 With DATAMARK Technologies

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What Can You Do With Indoor Maps? Allegany County, MD

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FCC's NG9-1-1 Regulations

About DATAMARK Technologies

Indoor Mapping In Allegany County, MD

The Next Generation Is NOW

DATAMARK Technologies combines DATAMARK’s superior geospatial solutions with DDTI’s leading location services to offer the only fully integrated solution for NG9-1-1 data management and maintenance.

GIS Services
GIS Services

Prepare GIS data for NG9-1-1 or achieve higher levels of GIS accuracy for routing through DATAMARK’s suite of service offerings. Our skilled project managers and GIS analysts work with clients to provide key insights, create and clarify GIS data.

NG9-1-1 Solutions
NG9-1-1 Solutions

DATAMARK’s suite of cloud-native software-as-a-service solutions enable users to upload, maintain and validate NG9-1-1-ready GIS data in alignment with NENA standards and industry best practices.

Next Generation Core Services
Next Generation Core Services

DATAMARK Technologies is proud to offer the only fully interoperable suite of solutions for NG9-1-1 location services, including: GIS data management; spatial interface (SI); emergency call routing function (ECRF) and location validation function (LVF); and location database (LDB).

Indoor Maps
Indoor Maps

Enhance location intelligence and locate indoor incidents with precision by leveraging indoor GIS. Our offerings are designed to support clients from data creation to maintenance and operationalization.

Don’t know where to start?

We’ve been in your shoes. Our team of experts have assisted clients throughout the country on their journey to Next Generation 9-1-1 and are ready to help you do the same.

Don’t know where to start?
  • Empowering Fire and EMS with mission-critical information in life-critical situations

    See how we’re helping clients achieve their goals

  • Empowering Local Governments with mission-critical information in life-critical situations

    See how we’re helping clients achieve their goals

  • Empowering Police with mission-critical information in life-critical situations

    See how we’re helping clients achieve their goals

  • Empowering Schools with mission-critical information in life-critical situations

    See how we’re helping clients achieve their goals

Increase Public Safety Indoors

Learn about our recent indoor mapping partnership with Allegany County, Maryland.

Read Story

Scalable Approach

How we helped the state of Idaho on their journey to GIS data readiness.

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Cloud-Native Solutions

How Florida Region 1 leveraged DATAMARK’s cloud-native solutions for GIS data management in the wake of a natural disaster.

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Our expert team is ready to help you achieve your goals

DATAMARK Technologies’ recently expanded and diversified team consists of former 9-1-1 directors, public safety subject matter experts, and GIS professionals.

Get to know us
  • Mitch Pinkston Headshot

    Mitch PinkstonTitle,

    “This strategic union represents a significant milestone for both DATAMARK and DDTI. By joining forces, we can leverage our combined expertise to develop integrated technologies that meet the evolving needs of our customers and the market.”

    Meet the Expert
    connected community
  • Robert Murphy, ENP, RPLTitle, Interim Director of DATAMARK Technologies

    DDTI and DATAMARK’s union streamlines NG9-1-1 GIS data management, resolving discrepancies efficiently and enhancing geospatial call routing. DATAMARK Technologies is ushering in a new era of interoperability for 9-1-1,

    Meet the Expert
  • Leigh TeWinkleTitle, Director of Project Management Office

    In a groundbreaking transformation, DATAMARK and DDTI have joined forces to streamline interoperability and enhance NG9-1-1 geospatial call routing. As we navigate the present, we recognize that the next generation is NOW, and we’re committed to leading the way, revolutionizing emergency response and ensuring a safer future.

    Meet the Expert