Indoor Mapping For Facility Management

Facility managers require indoor mapping solutions to effortlessly locate, track, and manage assets within complex buildings, ensuring real-time visibility and operational efficiency.

Connect Your Facility To 9-1-1 Centers For Improved Response

Incidents within complex facilities and multi-story buildings present significant challenges for 9-1-1 telecommunicators and first responders, primarily due to a lack of location intelligence and situational awareness behind closed doors. Our indoor mapping solutions bridge this gap by providing public safety personnel with detailed, floor-aware facility maps, ensuring a swift and efficient response during crises.

Integrate Disparate On-Premise Security Technologies

INSIDE integrates with your facility’s security and management solutions, including badge and alarm systems, CCTV cameras, panic buttons and much more, unifying disparate solutions through an intuitive spatial interface.

Empower Your Team Through Spatial Asset Management

Facility managers can effortlessly locate, track, and manage a wide range of assets by leveraging INSIDE. Our solution provides real-time visibility into the precise location of assets within complex facilities and multi-story buildings. Whether it’s equipment, personnel, or critical resources, INSIDE ensures that facility managers have instant access to detailed maps and data, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly.