Spatial Interface


DataManager is DATAMARK Technologies Spatial Interface (SI) that makes authoritative GIS data available to NG9-1-1 functional elements like ECRF / LVF, map displays, CAD, and more.

Ensure A Seamless Flow Of Geospatial Data To NGCS

DataManager plays a pivotal role in the prevention of routing errors by ensuring that data meets strict standards before being published to the ECRF. Our solution acts as an interface between the authoritative GIS source and the ECRF/LVF, ensuring that the GIS data provisioned into the 9-1-1 system is highly accurate.

Key Features

Quality Control
Quality Control

The spatial interface continuously runs quality control checks, generates QC error layers, and allows users to view and export these error layers in various formats.

Data Publishing
Data Publishing

The system transforms, formats, and exports data based on client needs, restricts publishing based on QC errors, allows customizable severity levels and thresholds, supports various publishing tasks, and updates databases through replication.

System and Data Reporting
System and Data Reporting

DataManager provides QC error summary counts, change report summaries, email notifications for publishing failures, and contains historical data with timestamps and user IDs for any changes.

Administrative Control
Administrative Control

The system provides a secure administrative interface, allows administrators to configure quality control and data publishing, manage users and permissions, and request rollbacks to previous database states.

A Fully Integrated Spatial Interface For NG9-1-1 Deployments

DataManager integrates with DATAMARK Technologies’ VEP solution for GIS data validation, maintenance and updates as well as our ECRF / LVF, providing seamless data transition and realtime updates.

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