Start Your Indoor Mapping Program

Markets We Serve

Our expert team is prepared to assist with indoor mapping projects of any size. Our versatile solutions cater to diverse clients, from enhancing public safety situational awareness to optimizing facility management.

DATAMARK Technologies indoor mapping services and solutions are designed to support the incident response process by providing critical incident mapping, spherical imagery and integration with cctv cameras, panic buttons and more

Public Safety Focus

DATAMARK Technologies is dedicated to enhancing the emergency response workflow through services and solutions that support location intelligence, inside and out. Our offerings incorporate public safety industry standards, best practices and are capable of evolving to meet client needs.

DATAMARK Technologies' indoor mapping services and solutions are designed to increase situational awareness and location intelligence for public safety professionals

Situational Awareness For 9-1-1 Authorities

Our indoor mapping services and solutions facilitate emergency management by providing public safety stakeholders with highly accurate, comprehensive indoor views of facilities within their jurisdiction. First responders and 9-1-1 telecommunicators can seamlessly access life-saving indoor maps through their native applications, saving time and enabling a collaborative approach to incident response.

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datamark technologies indoor mapping solutions support schools and universities by connecting them to public safety professionals through geospatially enabled indoor maps and allows them to oversee aggregated campus data through integration with panic buttons, security systems and badge systems.

Smart Maps For Safer Schools And Universities

INSIDE connects educational institutions to 9-1-1 centers through highly accurate and scalable indoor geospatial data, providing unparalleled location intelligence. School and university stakeholders also leverage INSIDE for collaborative campus updates and management, space planning, evacuation planning, risk assessments and more.

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datamark technologies indoor mapping solutions support facility managers through spatial asset management, budget planning, wayfinding, navigation and much more.

Integrated Facility Management

INSIDE links facility managers with public safety stakeholders, ensuring that 9-1-1 personnel can easily locate emergencies occurring within complex indoor spaces. Facility managers can also leverage INSIDE for aggregated oversight of all buildings they manage, asset management, risk assessments, resource management and much more.

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